Feldspar Simulation Functions (FSF)

- Simulating feldspar luminescence phenomena using R -

by Vasilis Pagonis, Christoph Schmidt, Sebastian Kreutzer (March 16, 2021)

We are thrilled to announce that today, our new manuscript about the simulation of feldspar models using R was published in its final form in the Journal of Luminescence.

What is this paper about?

Glad that you’ve asked. Several kinetic models are out in the wild to simulate luminescence phenomena for various dosimetric materials. Unfortunately, it can be hard to keep track of all models spread over multiple papers. Our manuscript attempts to summarise some previously published models condensed in useful functions written in R to simulate feldspar luminescence. To each function, we provide a brief background and mathematical details.

These functions can be either used to help you to better understand observed (measured) luminescence curves or for educations purposes.

How can I use these functions?

You have three options:

  1. You download the entire function package from Zenodo.
  2. Alternatively, you can visit our GitHub repository to the paper (which is archived on Zenodo).
  3. Let R do the magic.

For instance, to simulate fading, we first call the FSF functions directly from GitHub and then we can try an example similar to the first example (listing 1) in the paper.


## set parameters
s <- 3e+15
rho <- 1e-06
timesAF <- c(10, 86400 * c(1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, .1, .2, .5, seq(1, 10, .5)))
rprimes <- seq(0,2.2,0.01)

## calculate nearest neighbour distributions 
distribs <- sapply(timesAF, AFfortimeT, rprimes, rho, s)

n <- 0.002 * colSums(distribs)
plot(x = timesAF / 86400,
     y = n, 
     log = "",
     xlab = "Time [days]",
     ylab = "Rel. remaining charge")

You want to know more? Please check our article, and if you have further questions, please do not hesitate to ask.