Luminescence - release v0.9.11
- the lazy cat enjoys the spring -
by R Luminescence Developer Team (April 29, 2021)
We are excited to share with you the latest version of R 'Luminescence'
, which was just published on CRAN.
Small side note: this version requires at least R >=3.6.0. In case you had still running an older version of R, now it is time to upgrade.
What’s new?
Thanks to Norbert Mercier and Harrison Gray this release ships two new interesting functions.
Don’t stay single: convert_SG2MG()
When working a lot with single-grain data, sometimes it makes sense to combine all the individual curves from single grains and treat them as multiple grain data. Hold on a second, why would I want to do this? This way, you can quickly test for systematic effects, or if the single grain data do not offer better insight into the data, it helps to speed up the processing time. How does it work?
Imagine you have a single-grain data set already imported into your R session. You just call the function. All single OSL/IRSL curve data from one disc are added automatically into a new shine-down curve until you have only one curve per disc and measurement step left. And don’t worry, curve data that are not single-grain data remain untouched.
single_grain_data <- read_BIN2R(...)
multiple_grain_data <- convert_SG2MG(single_grain_data)
The new object can be further processed and analysed as usual.
Finally, the Globald Standardised Growth Curve (gSGC) for feldspars
Harrison‘s first contribution to 'Luminescence
’ closes a feature gap in our analysis toolchain. While we had already supported the gSGC after Li et al. (2015a) for quartz for a couple of years, it was impossible to use this approach on feldspars (Li et al., 2015b) because it requires different functions. Thanks to Harrison, this has changed.
## LnTn LnTn.error Lr1Tr1 Lr1Tr1.error Dr1
## 1 0.9662157 0.05150475 1.0386978 0.05227906 100
## 2 0.9897659 0.05229530 1.0104791 0.05531377 100
## 3 0.9963125 0.04915903 0.9778999 0.05022615 100
## 4 1.0166452 0.05143687 0.9980649 0.04769779 100
## 5 0.9783087 0.05011506 1.0112018 0.04844594 100
## 6 1.0157249 0.04930439 0.9911989 0.05253105 100
results <- calc_gSGC_feldspar(
data = data, gSGC.type = "50LxTx",
plot = FALSE)
I want more ….
Sure, all news with a complete list of bug fixes can be found on the CRAN website.
Didn’t you promise a 1.0.0 realse for this year?
Due to the pandemic and other constraints, the release of 1.0.0 was pushed back to 2022, and it will likely become our 10th-anniversary release. Good news: our release name competition is still running.
Li, B., Roberts, R.G., Jacobs, Z., Li, S.-H., 2015a. Potential of establishing a ‘global standardised growth curve’ (gSGC) for optical dating of quartz from sediments. Quaternary Geochronology 27, 94-104. doi:10.1016/j.quageo.2015.02.011
Li, B., Roberts, R.G., Jacobs, Z., Li, S.-H., Guo, Y.-J., 2015b. Construction of a “global standardised growth curve” (gSGC) for infrared stimulated luminescence dating of K-feldspar 27, 119–130. doi: 10.1016/j.quageo.2015.02.010